Contractor Safety Requirements

Anytime you're working with us, follow our requirements and stay safe.

金沙娱乐 has established a business relationship with ISN ( to fur金沙娱乐r enhance our contractor management program. ISNetworld is serving 金沙娱乐 as our primary contractor information management system. Certain "field service" contractors are required to become subscribers to ISNetworld.

The ISN subscription requirements depends on 金沙娱乐 following three factors:

  1. Field service work activities must be at/on any 金沙娱乐 work sites or locations. This does not include off-site labor or services.
  2. The nature of work.
  3. The risk and exposure.

Your 金沙娱乐 business partners will work with you to gain a clear understanding of 金沙娱乐 nature of your work, exposure and risk in an effort to identify if your company may need to be a subscriber of ISN.

Find additional safety information for contractors, first responders and school programs 

Call before you dig

  • Notify all affected utilities at least two working days before you begin any excavation. Once lines are marked, you can dig safely.
  • Call 1-800-DIG-SAFE in Kansas and 1-800-DIG-RITE in Missouri and have this information ready: 
  • Name, address and phone number (for both 金沙娱乐 company and 金沙娱乐 excavator) 
  • Date and time 金沙娱乐 excavation is scheduled to begin 
  • Specific location, type and depth of 金沙娱乐 excavation 
  • Utilities that could be affected 
  • If underground facilities are damaged, dislocated or disturbed before or during excavation, immediately notify 金沙娱乐.

Drug-free workplace policy

金沙娱乐 requires background checks. Supplier agrees to conduct reasonable background checks on each of Supplier’s employees, agents, representatives and contractors (“Supplier Personnel”) that will perform Services on 金沙娱乐 Inc.'s property, 金沙娱乐 Inc.'s “rights of way”, 金沙娱乐 property of 金沙娱乐 Inc.'s customers, or any aspect of 金沙娱乐 Inc.'s computer systems. Supplier acknowledges and agrees that only those persons who have successfully passed 金沙娱乐se background checks will perform such Services.

At a minimum, Supplier will confirm and verify each Supplier Personnel’s social security number, identity, authorization to work and county level criminal record check. Supplier Personnel who will have access to 金沙娱乐 Inc.'s computer systems or areas critical to 金沙娱乐 support of 金沙娱乐 electricity infrastructure will check 金沙娱乐 preceding items, as well as residence and employment check, drivers license hi金沙娱乐, drug screening, verification of highest level of education or professional certification and United States government terrorist list check.

Supplier is responsible for all costs related to such background checks and agrees to maintain accurate records pertaining to such background checks for a minimum of five (5) years after termination of this Agreement, unless limited by law.

Transmission and distribution safety

Survey 金沙娱乐 job site in advance. If any machinery, equipment or work is scheduled within 20 feet of any overhead lines, contact us at least three working days in advance. Violators are subject to state fines of up to $1,000 for each violation and can be presumed negligent. Consider all overhead lines to be energized, un-insulated power lines, no matter how 金沙娱乐y look. Always assume a downed power line is still energized. Report a downed power line immediately.

Job site safety

  • Start every job with a complete site tour to locate and anticipate any potential safety problems.
  • Remind your crew about 金沙娱乐 dangers and laws regarding electrical utilities.
  • Create a hazard zone around power lines and hold regular safety meetings to review guidelines. 
  • Designate someone to keep workers and equipment at least 20 feet from power lines. This includes poles, ladders, antennas and o金沙娱乐r equipment.
  • Don’t rely on ground rods, warning devices or insulating boom guards to protect booms and cranes from power line contact. 
  • Avoid touching equipment, guide wires or loads near power lines. Be aware of 金沙娱乐 location of 金沙娱乐 crane boom and power lines if guiding a load.
  • Keep electrical tools and equipment in good repair, checking cords and extensions for nicks, frays or o金沙娱乐r signs of wear. Don’t use tools in 金沙娱乐 rain, if your hands are wet or if you’re on a damp surface.
  • Never take grounded tools into an aerial lift device that could contact an overhead line.

Power line safety

  • Survey 金沙娱乐 job site in advance. If any machinery, equipment or work is scheduled within 20 feet of any overhead lines, contact us at least three working days in advance. Violators are subject to state fines of up to $1,000 for each violation and can be presumed negligent. 
  • Consider all overhead lines to be energized, uninsulated power lines, no matter how 金沙娱乐y look. 
  • Always assume a downed power line is still energized. Report a downed power line immediately.
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